Notes about the FOOD CRISIS and VEGANISM.
Earth Day is almost "over" (it can't be I know).
I was happy when I heard yesterday on NPR that more people are living environmentally consious lives.
Anybody who cares about the earth should admit that the ethical debate can't skip nature and environment in itself. Environmental concerns must be understood as ethical concerns, but for that, people need the courage to think new, to see the world with very own eyes and not with the ethically limiting binoculars of scientifical explicability. VALID.
Because just look at yourself: Why not see the outside with the same differentiatedness and sensitivity as one looks at oneself.
That what we sum up as "nature" is not simply an object or simply an antagonist mass of organisms etc. that our self-conscious elatedness has to keep in check...
Anyway, here are some Earth Day findings....
ANIMAL PERSON: What Can YOU Do About The Food Crisis or Climate Change
And if you are not vegan yet and don't know how to cook something great vegan
Strict Vegan Ethics, Frosted With Hedonism
and..., don't be mislead by this title: first read then ...
Vegetarian diet 'harms children's growth'
By Steve Connor, Science Editor, in Washington
Professor Tom Sanders, research director of nutrition and dietetics at King's College London, criticised her for extrapolating from a group in a developing country that had a relatively deprived diet. "Taking people who have limited food choices and adding animal products will provide elements missing from their restricted diets. But where you have a good choice in developed countries, you can select a balanced vegan diet even for children," he said.
Professor Sanders made a study of vegan nutrition which followed children from conception to the age of 26, to show that the development of vegans was normal. "Their diet in developed countries contains plenty of wheat, soy, pulse and salads, and provided they avoid Vitamin B12 deficiency by eating fortified foods or supplements, they are not at any disadvantage," he said. He admitted that a vegan diet for children under the age of five might pose a risk of malnutrition if there was too much reliance on vegetables..
And... an interesting link, generally:::::
Earth Day is almost "over" (it can't be I know).
I was happy when I heard yesterday on NPR that more people are living environmentally consious lives.
Anybody who cares about the earth should admit that the ethical debate can't skip nature and environment in itself. Environmental concerns must be understood as ethical concerns, but for that, people need the courage to think new, to see the world with very own eyes and not with the ethically limiting binoculars of scientifical explicability. VALID.
Because just look at yourself: Why not see the outside with the same differentiatedness and sensitivity as one looks at oneself.
That what we sum up as "nature" is not simply an object or simply an antagonist mass of organisms etc. that our self-conscious elatedness has to keep in check...
Anyway, here are some Earth Day findings....
ANIMAL PERSON: What Can YOU Do About The Food Crisis or Climate Change
And if you are not vegan yet and don't know how to cook something great vegan
Strict Vegan Ethics, Frosted With Hedonism
and..., don't be mislead by this title: first read then ...
Vegetarian diet 'harms children's growth'
By Steve Connor, Science Editor, in Washington
Professor Tom Sanders, research director of nutrition and dietetics at King's College London, criticised her for extrapolating from a group in a developing country that had a relatively deprived diet. "Taking people who have limited food choices and adding animal products will provide elements missing from their restricted diets. But where you have a good choice in developed countries, you can select a balanced vegan diet even for children," he said.
Professor Sanders made a study of vegan nutrition which followed children from conception to the age of 26, to show that the development of vegans was normal. "Their diet in developed countries contains plenty of wheat, soy, pulse and salads, and provided they avoid Vitamin B12 deficiency by eating fortified foods or supplements, they are not at any disadvantage," he said. He admitted that a vegan diet for children under the age of five might pose a risk of malnutrition if there was too much reliance on vegetables..
And... an interesting link, generally:::::