http://www.upc- online.orgCockfighting Ban Dates by State Richardson signs cockfighting ban into law
From: Animal Protection of New Mexico, Inc. (APNM) history was made in New Mexico as we become the 49th state to make cockfighting a criminal act. After decades of debate in the State Legislature, the voices of the vast majority of New Mexicans who support a ban on cockfighting have finally been heard. Cockfighting is cruelty to animals and New Mexico has made it clear that it does not tolerate intentionally maiming and killing any animal for fun and gambling entertainment. Animal Protection Voters is grateful to Governor Richardson, Senator Mary Jane Garcia, Representative Peter Wirth and the Legislature for their support.The bill for the statewide ban on cockfighting, sponsored by Senator Mary Jane Garcia (D-Doña Ana), passed the House of Representatives on Thursday with 49 representatives voting in favor of the bill and 20 opposed. It returned to the Senate for concurrence on an amendment, and passed its final legislative hurdle Friday morning with a 27 to 6 vote. As the law goes into effect on July 1, 2007, Louisiana will be the only state in the country that allows cockfighting.At the beginning of this historic legislative session, we asked the question, “Will the Fight Go On?,” and the legislature and Governor Richardson have now answered a resounding “No!”Thank you to everyone who played a role over these many years in banning cockfighting! We hope you will join Animal Protection Voters in celebrating all our 2007 legislative victories, as well as honoring our legislative champions, at The Political Animal Affair coming up in June! Details will be announced soon!