Friday, October 05, 2007

Minneapolis woman: A good egg
By Curt Brown, Star Tribune
Last update: October 03, 2007 – 3:51 PM this page can't be opened when linked somehow, I have to paste the addy into my browser to access the article...

A great aritcle in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

The article is about the rescue work of Mary Britton Clouse .
On her website again, I came across The Justice for Animals Arts Guild and there I came across from where agin I came across (a site I've seen before) . Now I might miss something out here, but:

"CriminalAnimal is a space for web-aware art and criticism about animals, humans, and the stuff in between. The site has three main thrusts: Projects, People and Resources."

Now if I look at some projects on their site, it seems they are so crazy about pushing animals into the biologistic corner, decorated with some homocentrist ethics, that I really wonder what has happend to their common sense. Check it out and see what you think, if you haven't heard about that site before.