Thursday, June 10, 2004


Vote Comes as Zoo Stalls on Moving Elephants; Over 1,500 Zoo Patrons Endorse Elephant Transfer

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors today unanimously passed a resolution calling for the last two surviving elephants at the San Francisco Zoo to be transferred as soon as possible to an elephant sanctuary in California. The vote comes as the zoo continues to drag its feet on transferring the elephants, claiming it will take up to four months to choose a sanctuary for them.

The resolution states: "that the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco urges the San Francisco Zoological Society to transfer ownership of and relocate elephants Lulu and Tinkerbelle to the Performing Animal Welfare Society sanctuary and to immediately bring in representatives of the sanctuary to the zoo to begin the transfer process."

The resolution highlights the PAWS sanctuary, where elephant habitats far exceed federal and zoo industry standards and personnel have extensive experience treating elephants debilitated from years in captivity under severely inadequate conditions.

"We commend the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for its leadership and humanitarianism in demanding the transfer of the long-suffering elephants from the zoo to a more appropriate environment," said Elliot M. Katz, DVM, president of In Defense of Animals. "Now it's time for the zoo to stop stalling and move quickly to transfer Tinkerbelle and Lulu to the PAWS sanctuary. Continuing to confine these obviously ailing elephants in their tiny zoo lots is not only inhumane, it is also a continuing embarrassment to the City of San Francisco."

Over 1,500 Zoo patrons have signed a petition endorsing the prompt transfer of the City-"owned" elephants to the sanctuary. The Zoo has been under fire since the death of two elephants in less than two months at the zoo. Calle, an Asian elephant, was euthanized on March 7. Maybelle, an African elephant, was found collapsed in the zoo yard on April 22. She died a few hours later.

Despite pressure from various San Francisco Supervisors and concerned citizens, Zoo management has acted slowly in moving the elephants to a sanctuary that can provide a more spacious and naturalistic habitat. Zoo director Manuel Mollinedo has even gone so far as to suggest that he must investigate the credibility of the PAWS sanctuary, when, in fact, San Francisco Zoo personnel have visited its facilities and had extensive discussions with PAWS directors, the USDA has certified PAWS' operations, and several other zoos have transferred elephants to the California refuge.

The elephants at the SF Zoo have for years suffered from degenerative health conditions caused by the inadequate Zoo environment. In the wild, elephants travel up to 50+ miles a day and live 60-70 years. At the SF Zoo, elephants are held in lots of less than 1 acre with cold, damp and foggy weather. The Zoo has a history of elephants dying prematurely: Calle died at 37; Maybelle died at 43, and in 1999, Penny died at the age of 41. A 1999/2000 city performance audit characterized conditions for elephants at the San Francisco Zoo as "especially poor."


8 June 2004 - For immediate use

Running for their lives

Edinburgh man launches marathon sponsorship appeal to raise funds for Uist Hedgehog Rescue

Edinburgh man, Pavel Stroev, will be undertaking the gruelling 26-mile Edinburgh Marathon this Sunday, June 13, in a bid to raise much-needed funds for the Uist Hedgehog Rescue appeal.

Uist Hedgehog Rescue (UHR), the coalition of animal protection and wildlife rescue organisations, has just completed its second mission to rescue and relocate hedgehogs from the Uists and Benbecula to the mainland. Thanks to UHR, and the efforts of UHR supporters like Pavel, to date, almost 350 healthy hedgehogs have been saved from death.

These rescue missions have been made necessary because of a decision by the Uist Wader Project to kill all of the hedgehogs on these Scottish islands. The Uist Wader Project comprises Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), the Scottish Executive and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland.

Pavel said: "I want to do all that I can to help save these hedgehogs from a pointless death. I am hoping that as many people as possible will generously sponsor me so that funds can be raised to allow Uist Hedgehog Rescue to continue to save as many hedgehogs as possible. I am, quite literally, running for these animals' lives."

Fay Vass, spokesperson for the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and UHR, said: "It is wonderful that Pavel, and so many other members of the public, are coming to the aid of the Uist hedgehogs in their hour of need. We hope that as well as raising vital funds for our rescue missions, Pavel will also help to raise awareness of the plight of the hedgehogs on the Uists and Benbecula."

- ENDS - ... get more infos about the Uist Hedgehog Rescue from the Advicates for Animals
SOURCE: United Poultry Concerns

For Immediate Release
June 9, 2004

Sixth-Grade Student on Long Island Saves Ducklings from Slaughter

Machipongo, VA – After Tim Eisemann’s sixth-grade class raised ducklings from an incubator, the 20 baby birds would have gone to slaughter this week if Tim had not taken action. Instead he sent out an imploring email to United Poultry Concerns: “Please help me if you can.”

Following a weekend of fruitless efforts to find a home for the ducklings, United Poultry Concerns referred Tim to Sara Whalen of Pets Alive in Middletown, New York. Whalen published an Internet alert, and within minutes, Angels Gate hospice on Long Island
offered sanctuary to the ducklings.

Tim Eisemann challenged the Babylon Memorial Grade School’s practice of hatching ducklings for destruction. To help prevent further occurrences, United Poultry Concerns sent his teacher our booklet on Hatching Good Lessons: Alternatives To School Hatching
Projects. The booklet shows how to teach students intelligently about birds without
encouraging the view that animals are disposable objects. Schools typically provide no veterinary care for the many deformed and sick birds hatched needlessly in classroom
incubators. And like all baby birds, ducklings need their mothers.

Tim is a hero. Thanks to his refusal to be spoon-fed animal suffering as “education,” 20 doomed ducklings now have a home. Sadly, most birds hatched in classrooms never find homes. A slaughterhouse is not a home, and animal shelters and sanctuaries are overwhelmed with unwanted animals, reflecting society’s contribution to preventable pet
overpopulation. As a step in the right direction, we encourage parents, teachers, and students to contact United Poultry Concerns for our free educational literature. Tim spoke for many students who are silent out of fear when he wrote, “I am an animal lover and it would break my heart to see these ducklings go away to a cruel death.” By turning his compassion into action, Tim is a mentor for all of us.

For information on ducks, visit
For information on hatching project alternatives,

United Poultry Concerns is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl: