The Toronto Film Festival is planning to screen a film by ZevAsher/Linda Feesey called "Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat." Amongother vile things, this film features the infamous makers of theKensington cat torture video justifying their "art."
Linda Feesey is anassociate of the three creeps who committed the horrendous cruel tortureand murder of Kensington.
El Festival de Cine de Toronto ha planeado mostrar una película basadaen la tortura y muerte de Kensington, un gato que fue despellejado,torturado y mutilado mientras se filmaba en vídeo. El caso causó unatremenda conmoción en Toronto y en todo el mundo por el grado deestupidez y crueldad que pueden lograr algunos humanos.
Please contact the Toronto International Film Festival to pressure themto pull thisfilm: Por favor, escribe al Festival de Toronto para que retiren esta infamepelícula:
Please don't show Casuistry: The Art of Killing a CatTo the organizers of the Toronto International Film Festival:We are extremely upset that Linda Feesey's film, Casuistry: The Art ofKilling a Cat, is scheduled as part of the Film Festival.
As you know, the film discusses the notorious case of 2001 in whichJesse Power, Anthony Wennekers, and Matt Kaczorowski videotapedthemselves torturing a cat. We would welcome efforts to raise awarenessabout this act of cruelty and we have vowed the Kensington the cat'smemory will never be forgotten.
However, you may not be away that theproducer, Linda Feesey, is an associate of the cat torturers'.
Forexample, her 2002 film, Mr. Kafka's Holiday, starred Jesse Power'sfriend Jubal Brown, who was outspoken in his support of Power during thecat video case.
Casuistry is another opportunity for Power and hisfriends to defend their horrendous actions. According to the review inthe Toronto Sun, the film features many apologists for the cattorturers. The killers show no remorse for their crime.By including this film in the Festival, you are not only condoning, youare encouraging Jesse Power and his ill in their actions of extreme,premeditated and illegal cruelty to animals.
We urge you to remove this film from your programme.
Thank you for your consideration. For the animals,
Flowers and a large photo of Kensington mark the first memorial site,April 2002. <>
Homenaje a Kensington"Matt" sitting on the floor. Matt, uno de los torturadores y asesinosNúria Querol i ViñasFundadora de GEVHA RRII Fundación AltarribaCoordinadora Campañas Internacionales AnimaNaturalis<>
The Toronto Film Festival is planning to screen a film by ZevAsher/Linda Feesey called "Casuistry: The Art of Killing a Cat." Amongother vile things, this film features the infamous makers of theKensington cat torture video justifying their "art."
Linda Feesey is anassociate of the three creeps who committed the horrendous cruel tortureand murder of Kensington.
El Festival de Cine de Toronto ha planeado mostrar una película basadaen la tortura y muerte de Kensington, un gato que fue despellejado,torturado y mutilado mientras se filmaba en vídeo. El caso causó unatremenda conmoción en Toronto y en todo el mundo por el grado deestupidez y crueldad que pueden lograr algunos humanos.
Please contact the Toronto International Film Festival to pressure themto pull thisfilm: Por favor, escribe al Festival de Toronto para que retiren esta infamepelícula:
Please don't show Casuistry: The Art of Killing a CatTo the organizers of the Toronto International Film Festival:We are extremely upset that Linda Feesey's film, Casuistry: The Art ofKilling a Cat, is scheduled as part of the Film Festival.
As you know, the film discusses the notorious case of 2001 in whichJesse Power, Anthony Wennekers, and Matt Kaczorowski videotapedthemselves torturing a cat. We would welcome efforts to raise awarenessabout this act of cruelty and we have vowed the Kensington the cat'smemory will never be forgotten.
However, you may not be away that theproducer, Linda Feesey, is an associate of the cat torturers'.
Forexample, her 2002 film, Mr. Kafka's Holiday, starred Jesse Power'sfriend Jubal Brown, who was outspoken in his support of Power during thecat video case.
Casuistry is another opportunity for Power and hisfriends to defend their horrendous actions. According to the review inthe Toronto Sun, the film features many apologists for the cattorturers. The killers show no remorse for their crime.By including this film in the Festival, you are not only condoning, youare encouraging Jesse Power and his ill in their actions of extreme,premeditated and illegal cruelty to animals.
We urge you to remove this film from your programme.
Thank you for your consideration. For the animals,
Flowers and a large photo of Kensington mark the first memorial site,April 2002. <>
Homenaje a Kensington"Matt" sitting on the floor. Matt, uno de los torturadores y asesinosNúria Querol i ViñasFundadora de GEVHA RRII Fundación AltarribaCoordinadora Campañas Internacionales AnimaNaturalis<>