Saturday, June 05, 2004

SOURCE: Farm Sanctuary's E-News & Action Alert 06/03/04

Farm Sanctuary E-News & Action Alert

Urge Wolfgang Puck to Stop the Suffering
Wolfgang Puck is supporting the unnecessary pain and suffering of calves by selling crated veal. Although he has repeatedly been informed about the inhumane treatment of calves who are tethered in crates for their entire lives to produce white veal, Mr. Puck continues to serve the product in his chain of restaurants.
Please urge Mr. Puck to remove cruel veal from the menu.
Wolfgang Puck
100 N. Crescent Dr., Ste 100
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: 310-432-1518;
Fax: 310-432-1602;


Turkey Nursery
Our New York Shelter set up a turkey nursery to care for over a dozen rescued baby turkeys. Several of the turkeys have been severely debeaked- each year thousands of baby birds die from pain and stress of this horrible mutilation. Sadly, four of the turkeys could not be saved...and the others will continue to need special "nursery" care to survive. You can help care for these special babies too by becoming a monthly sponsor.


Austria Passes Hen Protection
Austria has joined Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and the U.K. in banning the use of cruel battery cages on egg farms. Battery cages, stacked one on top of another inside giant warehouses, are prevalent on modern egg farms. These wire cages are so small that the hens crammed inside can barely move, much less stretch their wings. The European Union, of which Austria is a member, is phasing out battery cages by 2012, while the Austrian legislation goes into effect in 2005. Full story.


A "Sanctuary" for Dads This Father's Day
Looking for a special way to say, "thank you" this Father's Day? Give dad a relaxing retreat at Farm Sanctuary. Overnight cabin guests enjoy a special tour of the farm (and a continental vegan breakfast in New York). Dads are welcome to volunteer on the farm for the total "sanctuary experience!" More information on our New York Bed & Breakfast and our Country Cabin in California.

“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.”
Thomas A. Edison
1847 - 1931


SOURCE: Respect for Animals

Respect for Animals has organised an exhibition of the winning designs from UK/Ireland and European & International rounds of the Design Against Fur competition to run from 15-19 June 2004.

The competition to design an anti-fur poster for the new millennium was open to all students on art related courses. From Europe over 300 students from 18 countries entered. In the UK, over 300 students entered from 42 colleges. The winning designs from these competitions and those from the American, Canadian and Australian rounds will be entered into the Grand Final later in the year.

The exhibition, which is free of charge, is being held at:

Artbank Gallery, 114 Clerkenwell Road, London EC1.

The opening hours are as follows:

Tuesday 15 June – 11.30am until 6pm
Wednesday 16 June – 11.30am until 5pm
Thursday 17 and Friday 18 June – 11.30am until 6pm
Saturday 19 June - Noon until 4pm

We do hope that you will be able to visit the exhibition as the standard of work is very high and the designs are very interesting and thoughtful.

If you would like any further information please contact me at or by telephone on 0115 952 5440. Details of the UK/Ireland competition can be found at and the winning designs for the USA round of the competition can be found at