California Recall: Candidates positions on Animal Welfare and Environmetal Issues
regarding California Recall: Candidates positions on Animal Welfare and Environmetal Issues.
(September 29, 2003)
(Note: ALL FOR ANIMALS, Inc. does not endorse any candidate for Governor of the State of California. The following letter is provided by PawPAC and is for information purposes only).
Paw PAC examines the candidates only as to their positions on animals and the environment. They are the only animal organization in California to publish annual Voting Records, make endorsements and give contributions to candidates for state offices. Their position is: VOTE NO ON THE RECALL
Dear Friends of Paw PAC,
California is fortunate to have Paw PAC in times like this when animal advocates need to know the legislative records of candidates. Since we issued our first annual Voting Chart in 1981, we can consider the histories of Governor Gray Davis, Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, and Senator Tom McClintock on the animal bills that
came before them for votes.
Governor Gray Davis:
Paw PAC endorsed Gray Davis for Governor in 1998 and 2002. Some of the many good bills he's signed cover animal abandonment, live animal markets,
rodeos, animal testing, breeders, guard dog companies, animal blood banks, pets in housing, pet shops, trappers, antifreeze, and cockfighting. He has protected and enlarged wildlife habitat, parks, and coastal protection. His recall is opposed by environmental organizations. He was an Assemblyman 1982 - 1986 during which time he was an excellent vote for animals. As Governor he has received an A every year with one exception. In 2001 he received a B due to his appointment of Mike Flores, an avid
archery hunter, to the Fish & Game Commission who has since worked very hard and successfully to increase hunting at every opportunity. For instance, on the Governor's desk right now is AB 396, a bill the Commission supports under Flores Chairmanship, to open up thousands or even millions of acres of private land to hunters
through a Fish & Game program in spite of the fact California is losing wardens to 1960 level. We have approximately 350 wardens. We need at least 1,000. We hope Governor Davis will veto AB 396 (State Capitol Building, Sacramento, Cal. 95814, 916/445-2841, 916/445-4633 fax, His appointment of
Fish & Game Commissioner Mike Flores and Department Director Robert Hight (another disappointment) affects millions of animals, and he needs to know that an issue as important as this can affect your support for him as Governor.
Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante:
Cruz Bustamante was an Assemblyman 1993 1998. During that time his Paw PAC grades ranged from A to F. His record is particularly bad on endangered species. But he has been endorsed by environmental organizations in case the recall passes. This year Governor Davis signed SB 732 to raise the penalty against cockfighting. Would
Bustamante have signed it? (A cockfighter's website urged all cockers to attend a Bustamante rally in Fresno.) Would Bustamante support legislation to include charreadas (Mexican rodeos) under the current law on rodeos? His membership in MECha (whose slogan is For the race everything. For those outside the race, nothing.)
makes us skeptical.
Senator Tom McClintock:
Tom McClintock was an Assemblyman 1982 1992 and Senator 2000 to present. He has voted against many important animal bills, and his votes have gotten worse over the years. This year he will receive his usual F on the Paw PAC Voting Chart. McClintock opposes laws and regulations on businesses. Most bills to improve conditions for animals require some expenditures and government oversight. Paw PAC did not endorse McClintock in 1994 or in 2002 in his unsuccessful bids for State Controller. It is doubtful he would sign any good bills or veto any bad ones if he were elected Governor
Arnold Schwarzenegger:
Like everyone else, Paw PAC knows nothing of Schwarzeneggers positions, particularly on animals. Former gubernatorial candidate Richard Riordan stated at a recent event that his friend Arnold loves his dogs. He has been endorsed by the California Farm Bureau, an organization that regularly opposes animal welfare legislation.
Peter Camejo and Arianna Huffington:
Zaw PAC supports the environmental ideals of the Green Party and Arianna Huffingtons advocacy of fuel-efficient cars (animals have to breathe, too). But like Schwarzenegger, they have no legislative records to examine. ))))))))
The broader political context:
Schwarzenegger Outcome Could Affect Bush in 2004
Gubernatorial Win in California Would Bring
Potential Risks as Well as Rewards, Strategists
By Dana Milbank and Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, August 14, 2003; Page A05